About Gather & Deliver

Your Journey to Empowered Choices:

Join us on this journey towards sustainability. Explore the benefits of regenerative farming, understand the impact of your choices, and empower yourself to make conscious decisions that resonate with the well-being of your family and the world around us.
At Hamilton Pool Farms, we don't just grow crops; through Gather & Deliver we cultivate a community, rooted in knowledge and dedicated to a regenerative future.

Thank you for being a part of our story.

Cultivating a Sustainable Future

Welcome to Gather & Deliver, where our passion for Radical Regenerative Farming & Education takes root. Beyond growing the finest farm items on our land at Hamilton Pool Farms, we've cultivated a network of dedicated organic and regenerative farms across Texas, united in a shared vision for a healthier, more sustainable future.

Our Commitment to Community:

Gather & Deliver is more than just a source for exceptional farm products; we are a hub connecting local farms and businesses in the vibrant Texas community. By collaborating with like-minded partners, we bring you an array of amazing, locally sourced products that embody the principles of regenerative farming.

Education for Empowerment:

We believe knowledge is the key to empowerment. That's why, in addition to delivering the best farm items, we are committed to providing educational resources on the importance of regenerative farming. Understanding your food source is not just a choice; it's a powerful tool that enables you to make informed decisions about the health and well-being of your family. To learn more and see our current offerings, visit us here.

Why Regenerative Matters:

Regenerative farming is not just a practice; it's a necessity for the future. It's about cultivating a sustainable ecosystem that nourishes both the community and the planet. Through our platform, we aim to share the significance of regenerative practices, fostering a deeper connection between consumers and the source of their food.


  • We are expanding our pickup location partners where the pickup windows can be more flexible - usually during the partner's business hours. If you arrive after the drop time, your item will be waiting for you! After 1 week, we donate or discard most of the items. Please pickup your items from the Pickup Locations within this time.

    SPECIAL NOTE FOR FARMER'S MARKET LOCATIONS - Farmers Market pickup windows are typically about 3 hours (the normal market times). If you miss the market and do not pickup your items, they are typically donated at the end of the market. We don't have the logistics to get the perishable items back to our Farm after a market. Please contact us with any questions regarding this.

  • To purchase any subscription based items, please create a Subscription Account. This will allow you sign up for any subscription items either as weekly (described as "with every delivery") or biweekly (every other week).

    Simply choose your desired pick up location or home delivery, and then choose which Farm Items you want and the frequency (weekly, biweekly or just 1-time).

    Opt for home delivery at $12, or visit our pickup locations for a nominal $1.50 fee, supporting our commitment to bring you the best from the countryside. This fees help us in going to get these great products from all of the remote farms.

    You can log into your account dashboard account dashboard to mange upcoming deliveries, add additional Farm Items, view payment history, and more. You will see your delivery calendar with a weekly schedule, however this is simply to keep each possible delivery week open for you to add extra items to a delivery if desired. You can click in to a date on the calendar to see what subscriptions are scheduled to be delivered to your chosen pick up/delivery location on that date.

    From your member dashboard, you can "view/modify subscription" to make changes to your recurring subscriptions. You can cancel (or reorder) them at anytime, however to change the count or frequency of a subscription, please contact the farm at this time. Feature to change the count and frequency from the member dashboard will be added soon!

  • After placing your order, you can log in to your account to adjust all aspects of your order. We ask that any changes to your delivery be made on or before Wednesday at midnight for that week’s delivery. Feel free to contact us with any questions.

  • We grow a variety of seasonal organic vegetables and herbs. Each week that you receive your share box, it will contain 6-8 different items for you to enjoy, all depending on the season and what is ready for harvest. The quantity of each item is determined by which size share you choose.

    Small = Good for 1-2 people for a week
    Medium = Good for 2-4 people for a week
    Large = Good for 4+ people for a week

    Each week, we will post a photo of each week along with recipes to help inspire you!

  • Members may cancel their subscription at any time for any reason. We cannot offer a refund for shares already delivered or attempted to be delivered. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding our refund policy.

  • We believe in taking care of this earth as much as possible, and sustainability is always at the forefront. Your shares will be delivered in an earth-friendly container such as a paper bag, box or reusable sustainable tote.

  • Yes! Besides growing amazing food, one of our primary missions is to help build community. We love having volunteers at our farm who are interested in learning and growing with us. If you would like to come out and work hard with us, click here for the volunteer form.

